We’re Hiring!
Posted on May 22, 2014

Calling all Genetic Counselors & Laboratory Technicians!
Please see the details below, and send a cover letter and resume to Adam Heaps: aheaps@clinicforspecialchildren.org.
Position: Part-time Genetic Counselor / Project Coordinator.
The position is part-time (3 days a week), Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The Clinic for Special Children is a non-profit medical and laboratory service for children with complex genetic disorders, primarily in the Mennonite and Amish communities. The Clinic serves children and families by translating advances in genetics into timely diagnoses and accessible, comprehensive medical care, and by developing better understanding of heritable diseases. More information about the Clinic’s mission, services and research can be found at www.clinicforspecialchildren.org.
The Clinic is looking for a highly motivated individual to join our team as a “Genetic Counselor / Project Coordinator.” The individual would work closely with medical and laboratory staff to coordinate all aspects of a collaborative exome sequencing project. The position will be available for 3 years pending funding. Responsibilities will include: constructing family pedigrees from various sources, determining possible inheritance patterns, tracking project outcomes, tracking patient progress through the study, determining genetic risk for individuals and families, educating families about genetic testing technologies and genetic disease risk, ensure patients are properly consented and follow IRB and study guidelines.
An applicant must have:
- M.S. in genetic counseling
- Board certification by the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC)
- Excellent clinical skills and the ability to explain complicated medical/genetic concepts in a simple way
- Experience with exome sequencing data, incidental findings and standard genetic reporting guidelines
- Experience and knowledge of various genetic technologies
- Excellent organizational, multi-tasking and teamwork skills
Position: Full-time Laboratory Technician
The position is full-time, Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
The Clinic for Special Children is a non-profit medical and laboratory service for children with complex genetic disorders, primarily in the Mennonite and Amish communities. The Clinic serves children and families by translating advances in genetics into timely diagnoses and accessible, comprehensive medical care, and by developing better understanding of heritable diseases. More information about the Clinic’s mission, services and research can be found at www.clinicforspecialchildren.org.
The Clinic is looking for a highly motivated individual to join our team as a “Laboratory Technician.” The position will be available for 3 years pending funding. The individual would be responsible for completing various molecular assays in a timely fashion using established protocols. Responsibilities will include: Sanger sequencing, running microarrays, primer design, genotyping by high-resolution melting curve analysis, and DNA isolation from whole blood.
An applicant must have:
- B.S./B.A. in biology, chemistry, biochemistry or a related field
- Strong knowledge and interest in the genetic causes of human disease
- Experience with molecular techniques and assays
- Experience working in a laboratory setting
- Excellent organizational, multi-tasking, record keeping and teamwork skills
- The ability to communicate clearly with medical/scientific professionals and families
An applicant would ideally have:
- Experience working in a CLIA certified laboratory
- Experience with Affymetrix CytoScan arrays