Our Research

We provide affordable and effective treatment options for children and adults with genetic illnesses through advanced genomic testing and uniquely personalized care, while contributing pioneering breakthroughs in genomic medical research worldwide.

By researching rare genetic mutations within the Lancaster County Amish and Mennonite communities, we are able to bridge the gap between genomic research and the application of practical, patient-focused medicine. Ultimately, we are dedicated to the idea that advanced molecular genetic techniques can be integrated into local medical care to reduce death, disability, and chronic illness.

Learn more about what we’re discovering

Published Papers

We collaborate with other researchers and scientists frequently in order to further scholarly research on causes and treatments of rare genetic diseases.

See our published research

Diseases & Mutations

Because the human genome is so complex and our genetic sequence could go awry in so many different ways, we work to understand and treat many types of genetic illnesses. We manage over 400 known disorders including MSUD, GA-1, and propionic acidemia.

View list of genetic conditions

Clinical Services

We offer a variety of services for children and adults with genetic illnesses. We do preventative testing of newborns, as well as treatment of newborns that have a high risk of disability due to genetic predisposition. We also diagnose children and adults already suffering from genetic diseases, while working to provide treatments that ease suffering for the patient and their family alike.

Learn more about what we do

Translational Medicine

At the Clinic, we practice a unique form of medicine that integrates advanced genetic research and practical care. Each patient we treat receives highly personalized care that is grounded in genomic testing. We search for the best treatment for the patient and their unique needs.

Read about how we practice medicine

Lab Services, Requirements & Forms

Our CLIA-certified biomedical and molecular genetics laboratory is equipped for various assays, including amino acid analysis, real-time molecular diagnostic testing, molecular cytogenetic analysis, and exploratory gene mapping.

Learn about our laboratory

Fellowships & Internships

Because we are working with a highly unique population, we often contribute to advances in medical and scientific understandings of what causes genetic illnesses in the wider human population. We work with motivated college or graduate students with an interest in our body of research, our unique method of providing treatment, or the unique community we serve.

See our opportunities for students

Support our mission of providing compassionate, affordable, and efficient care to families facing rare genetic disorders!

Our clinic serves as a trusted medical practice for children and adults facing rare genetic disorders. Our dedicated team works every day to prevent and treat genetic illnesses. Our facility is in the heart of the Amish and Mennonite communities in Lancaster County. Inside is filled with cutting-edge gene sequencing tools that allow us to deliver highly personalized care—a precise treatment option for the right patient at the right time.

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